Dear reader, in this WideHealth newsletter we are sharing the details of the WideHealth Summer School on Human Factors in Pervasive Health to be held in Lisbon 11th-15h July, 2022. The newsletter also shares information about other upcoming events (co)organized by the project. In addition, you will find the recordings of the seminars, as well as links to our open access publications. Finally, you can find interesting pervasive health calls for papers and projects.
WideHealth – European H2020 Twinning Project
Widening Research on Pervasive eHealth (WideHealth) is a European H2020 Twinning project that enables research exchanges and training activities on the topic of Pervasive and eHealth. The overarching goal of the project is to enable a new generation of researchers in the less developed (Widening) countries in the consortium to develop and adapt novel eHealth technologies exploitable in the longer run in their different healthcare contexts. In particular, the project addresses the following three research aspects (i) data driven healthcare, (ii) human factors in pervasive health, (iii) federated machine learning. Additionally, WideHealth includes training of administrative staff to improve their skills on project management and administration of research funding. The project is currently in its second year.
Upcoming Events
WideHealth Summer School on Human Factors in Pervasive Health
July 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
“There is often a considerable difference between what we think people need and what people want to use”. This is our perspective on how technology should be developed and will serve as the motto of the 2nd WideHealth Thematic School with a focus on Humans Factors in Pervasive Health.
If you are an undergraduate or graduate student focused on improving your know-how on Pervasive technology applied to the health sector, do not miss the opportunity to attend our International Summer School that will be held at the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, from July 11 to July 15, 2022.
Through a set of lectures and hands-on activities, you will have the opportunity to go on a journey through the different stages of the Participatory design and User-Centred Design, which aim to raise awareness and provide you with the some of the required skills to develop accessible, and patient- and clinician-friendly pervasive technologies. As it happened during the first edition of WideHealth Thematic School on e-Health & Pervasive Technologies, the 2nd WideHealth Thematic School will be held in a hybrid format (i.e., in-person and zoom attendance). Registration is free but mandatory. In presence attendance will be limited to the number of vacancies and will be confirmed by email.
PhD students are encouraged to send an extended abstract (1-2 pages) of their PhD topic, which will be presented on a separate Doctoral Colloquium session at the last day of the School.
Round Table
on Gender Equality in Science and Technology
A World Economic Forum report outlines the gender balance in the AI field by analyzing the female representation among AI professionals: only 22% of the total are women. With these data as reference values, the WideHealth Consortium aims at achieving a better gender balance aiming at a 35% female participation in the WideHealth activities.
A Round Table will be organized by the Consortium at the Summer School in Lisbon involving internal and external panelists discussing this issue and identifying best practices to close the gap. Stay tuned to project news for updates regarding this and other project events.
WideHealth Conference on Pervasive Health and Smart Sensing at IS 2022
Information Society is a multi-conference organized every year at Jožef Stefan Institute. This year its 25th edition will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia between 10th and 14th October, 2022. The multi-conference hosts a number of individual conferences dealing with computer science, cognitive science and other topics related to issues of modern society. With its long tradition, the event attracts a few hundred local and international participants. This year, one of the conferences will be Pervasive Health and Smart Sensing organized by the WideHealth project. We invite papers on health intersecting with ICT domain and sensing technologies.
Special Issue on Smart Sensing for Pervasive Health
November 2022, MDPI Sensors
We are honored to organize a Special Issue at the Sensors, MDPI journal, on the topic of “Smart Sensing for Pervasive Health”. This Special Issue invites papers presenting novel research on utilizing sensors placed on users’ bodies and in their environments to understand and improve their health and wellbeing. We are interested in sensing devices, methods, and applications for obtaining and analyzing different categories of data (physiological, behavioral, emotional, environmental, etc.), and utilizing different technologies such as signal processing, machine learning, etc. for empowering citizens and health professionals to take action based on the analyzed sensor data. Click on the button for more information.

Past Events
WideHealth Winter School on e-Health & Pervasive Technologies
February 2022, Skopje, N. Macedonia
We are pleased to announce that the 1st WideHealth Thematic School has been a great success. The school was organized a hybrid event, with 33 participants physically present at the UKIM facilities in Skopje and additional 90+ online participants. The school comprised lectures and hands-on-training sessions on different aspects of e-Health and Pervasive Technologies from ten internal and four external lecturers and experts in the respective fields. As part of the School, WideHealth also organized a Machine Learning Challenge for Human Activity Recognition with wearables. 11 teams participated in the challenge which was won by the HPI team.
Training materials from the Winter School will be made available soon through the project website and YouTube channel.

WideHealth Seminar Series
The WideHealth project provides lectures and seminars on the targeted research topics, i.e., data driven healthcare, human factors in pervasive health and federated machine learning. The project targets in-house seminars for the internal audience, but also public seminars on selected e-Health topics for e-health companies, external educational institutions, policy makers, as well as other projects in the field of e-Health. In 2022, the project has successfully disseminated five public seminars, listed in the table below. Click on the links to watch seminar videos on YouTube. For additional seminar details and links, as well as schedule of upcoming seminars please click on the button below.
Research Outputs
During the course of the project WideHealth partners have established several joint collaborations that have resulted in eight joint research papers. Open access is available for all of the papers. Click on the links to access and download the publications.
Smartwatch-Based Eating Detection: Data Selection for Machine Learning from Imbalanced Data with Imperfect LabelsMDPI Sensors, Vol 21, No 5 | March 2021 |
Cognitive Load Monitoring with Wearables - Lessons Learned from a Machine Learning ChallengeIEEE Access, Vol 9 | June 2021 |
Analysis of Deep Transfer Learning Using DeepConvLSTM for Human Activity Recognition from Wearable SensorsInformatica, Vol 45, No 2 | July 2021 |
Investigating Presence of Ethnoracial Bias in Clinical Data using Machine LearningETAI 2021 | September 2021 |
Machine Learning based Anomaly Detection in Ambient Assisted Living EnvironmentsETAI 2021 | September 2021 |
Differentially Private Federated Learning for Anomaly Detection in eHealth NetworksUbicomp 2021 | September 2021 |
Vital Signs as a Source of Racial BiasIn submission, available at medRxiv | January 2022 |
Personalised Gait Recognition for People with Neurological ConditionsMDPI Sensors, Vol. 22, No. 11 | May 2022 |
Related pervasive health calls and deadlines
Upcoming EU HORIZON project calls
Topic | Type of action | Deadline |
Implementing digital services to empower neuroscience research for health and brain inspired technology via EBRAINS | HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions | 21/09/2022 |
EIC Pathfinder Challenge: Towards the Healthcare Continuum: technologies to support a radical shift from episodic to continuous healthcare | HORIZON EIC Grants | 19/10/2022 |
Better understanding of citizens’ behavioural and psychological reactions in the event of a disaster or crisis situation | HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions | 23/11/2022 |
Upcoming calls for papers
Conference/Journal | Location | Deadline |
ABC 2022: The 4th International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing | London, United Kingdom | 30/06/2022 |
IECBES 2022: 2022 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 30/07/2022 |
EAI PervasiveHealth 2022 - 16th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare | Thessaloniki, Greece | 15/08/2022 |
IoT_DigiHealth 2022: Special Research Topic: Applications, Issues, and Challenges in the Internet-of-things for Digital Healthcare Systems, Frontiers in Digital Health Journal | Special Issue | 18/08/2022 |
Smart Sensing for Pervasive Health | Special Issue (WideHealth) | 30/11/2022 |
JMIR mHealth and uHealth | Journal | Continuous |
Project Roadmap

Project Online Presence
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